24. Green Tomato Jam
Gillian Gillian

24. Green Tomato Jam

Harvesting the last of the unripe green tomatoes to make an unusual, fresh tasting green tomato marmalade.

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23. Japanese Quinces
Gillian Gillian

23. Japanese Quinces

Japanese quince (Chaenomeles) with its beautiful crimson and vermillion flowers, its prickly branches and odd shaped fruit.

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21. Tree Planting
Gillian Gillian

21. Tree Planting

Tree planting along the boundary walls: silver birch and ornamental cherry trees.

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18. Orchard Planting I
Gillian Gillian

18. Orchard Planting I

Planting Phase 1 of the orchard with cordon and fan trained fruit trees: apples, pears, plums, damsons, greengages, quinces and cherries.

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16. Orchard Clearing
Gillian Gillian

16. Orchard Clearing

Clearing out the brambles, climbers, elders and ivy to make space for an orchard in the walled garden.

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14. Wildlife Visitors
Gillian Gillian

14. Wildlife Visitors

Wildlife visitors to the walled garden: hedgehogs, frogs, toads, voles and lots and lots of birds.

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