Spring 23. Chinese New Year

A simple Chinese theme to celebrate the Chinese New Year

A very simple design using Chinese themed flowers.

Equipment: flat container (tray, shallow bowl. Rattan works well for this), small piece of oasis - height should bring it to just below the top of the container.

Flowers: 3 or 4 statement flowers: things like orchids (exotic), chrysanthemums (traditional Chinese flower) or anything red is good (colour of Chinese New Year)

Foliage: Small foliage to complement the flowers eh. silver, palm leaves, small fatsia leaves etc. Choose colours that will showcase the flowers.

Decoration: Anything Chinese themed - twigs, chop sticks, pebbles etc

1) Preparation: Soak the oasis and attach it to a corner the container using florists tape. If the oasis is quite high then hide it by covering it in moss.

2) Foliage: lie the twigs / chopsticks artistically across the oasis and attach in place using German clips. Use small pieces of foliage to cover the top of the oasis, leaving enough space for the flowers. You can use florist wire to attach them if needed. Palm leaves can be trimmed back to the size required.

3) Flowers: Arrange the flowers in a bunch across the centre of the oasis. Simple is good. If using orchids then attach each flower / bloom in turn. You can use florists wire twined around the stem to get a better grip. Use about 3-5 flowers for this.

And that is it! A simple table decoration that can look quite festive.

A list of traditional Chinese Flowers and their significance:

Chrysanthemums: symbolize happiness and vitality and are a popular autumn flower in China. They carry special significance during lunar new year celebrations.

Chinese Rose: symbolize eternal spring and longevity.

Peony: a symbol of wealth and prosperity and is considered the “king of flowers” in China. Colour is relevant: white peonies show you are thinking of someone, pink represents affection and romance, yellow shades are nice for wishing luck and prosperity, and red shows true passion. They are often used for weddings.

Lotus: a symbol of purity. The lotus flower is often recognized as nature’s perfect creation: a beautiful thing emerging from a murky pond. The root is in the ground, the stem is in the water, and the leaves and flower are facing the sun. The lotus has a strong connection with Buddhism.

Plum Blossom: known as the “friend of winter” because of its winter blossoms in the bitter cold. It symbolizes perseverance, strength, endurance and an unbounded spirit

Camellia: known for their simple beauty and elegance in Chinese culture. These flowers are often associated with the great teacher and philosopher Confucius. They are given to friends and colleagues as a symbol of respect and admiration.

Azalea: represent home and womanhood. A thoughtful gift for parents and family members letting them know you miss them and are looking forward to seeing them soon.