Week 3. Autumn Wreath

Making a door wreath using autumn leaves from the garden.

Equipment: wire coat hanger, paper wire

Foliage: lots of autumn leaves in as many colours as possible: maples, Boston ivy.

A lovely autumn wreath for the front door. Undo the wire coat hanger and shape into a round. Then start threading the leaves onto the wire. You can use either dry or fresh leaves for this, and mix up different shapes and sizes. You can also fold the leaves if it makes sense to do that. Pack them in tightly. You will need more than you thought you would.

Quite a few of the students used different coloured leaves to create a pattern in the wreath. For it to be symmetrical it is best to thread them equally from both sides. Finish off with something to hide the wire, then re-wind the coat hanger top and wrap it in paper wire.

The effect is lovely. Mine has been hanging for 4 weeks now and is still looking good. As the leaves dry they change colour and crisp up, but still look good. Very textural.