1. The Demolition Works

The Walled Garden before any work started, 2017

The Walled Garden before any work started, 2017

Early 2017 Clearing out the Clutter …….

When I first bought the property, I hadn’t realised how much baggage it came with. The derelict garages were filled with abandoned belongings: old tables, lawnmowers, lamps, boxes, building materials, sinks and sundry household waste. The roof was dilapidated and leaking badly so everything was sodden. Ivy had taken over, covering large sections of the walls and roof, and invading every nook and cranny. It all had to be cleared out.

Peter and Ivan arrived early one Monday morning with their tractor, trailer and large JCB, and systematically removed everything over the next 5 days. First to go was the ivy and other climbers. Next were the old wooden garage doors and the garage contents. Then the roof and brick structure. And lastly the thick concrete floor. The section closest to the Japanese knotweed had to be protected - the roots can lie dormant for years and any disturbance would encourage new growth, so we left a small section of concrete flooring in place at that end.

The last step was to secure access to the area. Over the years it had become a bit of a local dumping ground so it was necessary to stop that happening. Peter installed a new hardwood farm gate at the entrance to the lane, establishing a clear boundary.

Seeing the site cleared was great - it was the first time I had been able to see the space laid out, the different ground levels and the structure of the walls. It meant I could finally map the space out properly and (at last!) start putting a garden plan together.


2. The Site Plan