Notes from a Walled Garden

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77. Shady Lady Alert

The Waratahs or “Kiwi Rose” (Telopea speciosissima) are the emblem of New South Wales, Australia. Rather intriguingly they are also part of the Australian branch of the Proteacea family, as are their local Banksia and Grevillea relatives. These plants have many of the same characteristics and adaptations of the South African proteas.

I have two plants in my North West of England garden and they flower reliably at this time of the year. Both are “Shady Lady” hybrids, growing well in peat pots and making a very showy appearance at the end of winter. The flowers are stunning.

I cut them back after flowering; it maintains a compact shape and also encourages stronger flower display next season. Left to themselves they will get quite leggy and untidy. Other than that they will pretty much do their own thing now until next winter when the horticultural fleece covers will need to come out again.