Notes from a Walled Garden

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97. Produce Week #36

Out picking the last of the summer produce this morning - mainly tomatoes and a few pears. Other than that there are only a few late cucumbers still too small to pick, some carrots, beetroot, onions and the last of the potatoes to come up. It has been a relatively low output summer this year.

What is surprising is that the tomatoes which have ripened first are those that are hiding under the leaves in the shade of each plant. Usually it is the ones most exposed to the sunlight, but this year it seems to be the ones in the shade. I am guessing that it must be to do with extreme heat we have had this season vs the 20-25 degrees optimal temperature they need to ripen. I really had to peer down beneath the leaves to find the ripe ones.

The tomatoes will be made into passatta and frozen for use during the winter months. The pears will be for my breakfast.

I love still life art, particularly those depicting life-like fruit and vegetables. My favourite artist is one called Julian Merrow Smith who does daily postcard sized oil paintings in the South of France and sells them by daily auctions. His painting yesterday was of the last of their summer fruits, a definite winding down of the season.